Poster Submission

Call for Abstracts

You are cordially invited to present your original research on the following topics during the poster session of the forum.


Abstract Topics

-  Biomaterials
-  Dental materials
-  AI and bioinformatics
-  Oral biology

Abstract Selection Process
-  All submissions must be made electrically via the website.
-  Once the deadline has passed, Symposium Organizers evaluate all abstracts for content and relevance to the symposium topic.

Abstract Submission Process

You need the following information
-  Topic
-  Title
-  Text
-  A maximum of 200 words is allowed
-  One figure (optional)
-  One page only
-  Authors information: full name, affiliation, address, email address

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: 3 May 2024

Abstract Acceptance Notification: 8 May 2024

Abstract Presentation: 2 June 2024

Best Poster Award
One award for each topic

A certificate and a cash prize

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